Articles tagged with "aws"

Multi-AZ Block Storage for EKS - Solution Overview

Did you already encounter an application on EKS which does not perform well with EFS storage or which even needs dedicated block storage with multi-AZ capabilities? In this case, we have prepared something for you: We now support you with creating multi-AZ block storage for your EKS clusters and add facilities to monitor, manage and troubleshoot them with easy building blocks.

Logging Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP

Recently, I spent a lot of time using the exciting new member of the FSx family. One detail made working with it a bit unpleasant, though - the lack of log files. This post details how to create a custom integration into CloudWatch Logs and make ONTAP audit logs visible.

Sneaky Injections - CloudFormation

During one of our recent AWS Security Reviews, I ran across an interesting technique that attackers can use to create a backdoor in AWS accounts. It works by using three S3 IAM actions, CloudFormation, and an administrator who is not careful enough. This vector is not new but still scary - and today, I will show you how to check your account for this risk and any previous compromises.

How To Hybrid! - Secure AWS Environment Service Access

As AWS Cloud adoption becomes more widespread throughout the industries, challenges arise how to govern IT resource usage and implement a coherent management for systems across on-premises and the AWS Cloud. This blog post gives insights in how the AWS offered Systems Manager capabilities could be extended from the cloud environment to your hybrid and on-premises environments.

A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing - Hidden EC2 Permissions

During some R&D for a new blog post, I experimented with IAM conditions in Trust Policies. Some small mistakes during this led to instances that have limited privileges according to the AWS Web Console and CLI. But in reality, they can work with administrative permissions for a few hours - unnoticed. Have I piqued your interest? Let’s see how to reproduce this effect then.

One Step Closer to IPv6

Over many years, we have now read warnings about the exhaustion of available IPv4 addresses. So far, there still seem to be ways and ideas on how to extend their lifetime (by approaching large organizations, using NAT, re-dedication of, and so on). Switching over to the much-dreaded IPv6 sounds easy, but even minor things can still cause problems. So what is the current state of AWS with this topic? And how did the landscape change during re:Invent 2021?

NetApp DataSense on AWS

Over the last years, demands and expectations on data security have increased dramatically. The main drivers are local data privacy regulations like the EU-GDPR, which imply awareness of sensitive data and an overview of potential risks. Amazon has offered its service Macie in 2017, added new capabilities lately, and is doing a great job with data on S3. But how do you include your EFS/FSx file shares and RDS databases to eliminate blind spots? Meet NetApp Cloud DataSense.