AWS Tools

This content is more than 4 years old and the cloud moves fast so some information may be slightly out of date.


AMI Baking

Tools that help build the AMIs for your bespoke EC2 instances.

State Control EC2-Server

Tools and services that help you reduce your EC2 costs.

Amazon-Windows-Drivers & Tools

VM Conversion to AWS

Backup Tools

S3- and Glacier-Tools

S3-Drive-Mapper for Windows and Linux


S3-Bucket Backup

Amazon AWS Glacier Tools

  • FastGlacier - Windows UI and Command-Line (Freeware and Pro-Version)

Visualization & Design Pattern



AWS IAM Privileges


Web-Server Security Scans

SSH / RDP Access Management

Antivirus and Security

Monitoring and Observability


Alarm Integration


CloudWatch Logs

Status Boards

Online Tools

Cloud Performance

Conversion Tools

Costs Calculation & Management

AWS Cost Management & Security

Cost overview and EC2 Reserved Instances


CloudFormation Tools

Json / CSV CLI-Tools

Kubernetes Tools

Preparation for an AWS certification

Sources of Information



Basic AWS knowledge

Technical Infos

Cloud Development Kit

Labs and Workshops

Title image courtesy of Barn Images on Unsplash

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