Articles tagged with "Terraform"

Enhancing Security in Terraform with AWS Secrets Manager

Keeping track of your passwords is already challenging in your personal life. It can be more difficult when you want to build and deploy secure applications in the cloud. Today we’ll show you a few ways of managing secrets in your Terraform deployment. We’ll teach you about common pitfalls like the random_password resource and more appropriate alternatives.

Secretless Terraform Deployments

When deploying AWS infrastructure via Terraform, the usage of long-term IAM credentials is often the go-to method. Even though convenient, long-term credentials and secrets can pose a serious security risk to your organization if leaked. This post will show you how you can leverage AWS IAM OpenID Connect identity providers in combination with GitHub Actions and identity federation to implement a secretless Terraform deployment pipeline…using Terraform.

Open Policy Agent for AWS and Terraform

While traditional Infrastructure as Code tools offer a multitude of benefits, they usually fail to meet the security and compliance requirements of modern security-focused organizations when managing infrastructure at scale. This post will show you how you can leverage Open Policy Agent and Policy as Code to automate security and compliance procedures as well as enforce custom policies across an organization at scale.

Serverless Swagger UI for AWS API Gateway

When implementing REST APIs in AWS there is one service that always comes to mind - Amazon API Gateway. Even though feature-rich, properly documenting your API may become a time-consuming task relatively quickly. In this post, I would like to show you how you can use Swagger UI in combination with a serverless deployment to automatically generate interactive and up-to-date documentation for your APIs.

Hostname Resolution and DNS with SAP on AWS

SAP systems running in a distributed environment have certain requirements regarding how to set the hostname and how those need to be resolved from other hosts. In our test landscape we use virtual hostnames to decouple the SAP instances from the underlying hardware which is running on a Red Hat Linux Server. This blog post will walk you through the components in AWS that fullfil those requirements and allow SAP instances to communicate while keeping administrative effort super low.

Managing volatile Terraform Deployments with AWS CodeBuild and Step Functions

I was searching for an AWS-native solution that would deploy resources via Terraform, allow them to do some work, and then destroy them properly without leaving any orphaned resources. Also, multiple of those Terraform deployments needed to be live at the same time. The solution I found is a combination of AWS CodeBuild, AWS Step Functions, a Terraform State being managed in S3 and Terraform Workspaces.

Prepopulate Lambda Console Testevents without dirty manual work using Terraform

You like Lambda testevents? Great! But with “automate everything”, manual console clicks are considered dirty! Keep your hand clean by automating the creation of Lambda test events. So you can give your team, and yourself prepopulated test events. This example shows you the terraform code - because this is the fastest way. With a little effort, you can translate it to CloudFormation or AWS-CDK!