Articles tagged with "Terraform"

The declarative vs imperative Infrastructure as Code discussion is flawed

“Infrastructure definition has to be declarative”. Let’s see where this presumption gets us. My guess why some ops guys prefer pure terraform or CloudFormation is that these languages seem to be easier to understand. There is precisely one way of creating a specific resource in the language. If you use a programming language, there are many ways to solve one specific problem. The problem which could occur later in the project is that both declarative languages have boundaries in what they can do, with a programming language you do not have these boundaries.

Managing multiple stages with Terraform

Managing multiple environments in Terraform Introduction I recently started learning Terraform. For those who haven’t encountered it: Terraform is in essence a framework to describe Infrastructure as code by Hashicorp. When I began doing that, I was struggling with the staging-concept of Terraform. I did my research and came upon numerous 1 articles and blogs that described ways to manage (multiple) environments or stages in Terraform2. Since I wasn’t really happy with the other solutions and there didn’t seem to be a canonical way to handle multiple environments, I decided to try and figure out my own solution.

Building Lambda with terraform

Note: An updated version of this post is available here Building Lambda Functions with Terraform Introduction Many of us use Terraform to manage our infrastructure as code. As AWS users, Lambda functions tend to be an important part of our infrastructure and its automation. Deploying - and especially building - Lambda functions with Terraform unfortunately isn’t as straightforward as I’d like. (To be fair: it’s very much debatable whether you should use Terraform for this purpose, but I’d like to do that - and if I didn’t, you wouldn’t get to read this article, so let’s continue)

Einleitung zu tRick

Wer träumt nicht davon das Infrastructure as Code Framwork zu benutzen, das die eigenen Anforderungen bestens erfüllt? Aber wie findet man nun dieses eine richtige Framework für seinen Anwendungsfall, den “Alleskönner” oder den “Spezialisten”? Auch wir bei tecRacer haben immer wieder mit unterschiedlichsten Infrastructure as Code Frameworks zu tun. Bei unseren Projekten im AWS Umfeld steht uns eine große Zahl an möglichen Tools zur Verfügung. Aber worin genau besteht der Vorteil von Infrastructure as Code Frameworks gegenüber einer manuellen Bereitstellung von Infrastruktur-Resourcen?