Recent Articles on the tecRacer AWS Blog

Out-of-Band Bootstrapping with Chef on AWS Systems Manager

A modern architecture avoids opening any SSH or WinRM/RDP ports to minimize the attack surface of your systems. Instead, management connections like the AWS SSM Agent should be implemented. But some tools, especially in the configuration management sector, still rely on direct access. Chef Infra is on track to break this limitation with its new support for out-of-band (OoB) bootstrapping using Knife and arbitrary Train transports.

Querying Local Health Check URLs

Do you run software that provides locally available health checks via a webserver only reachable via localhost? In this blog post, I will show you an architecture that you can use to connect those local health checks to CloudWatch Logs and even receive alarms if things are not going to plan.

4 ways to connect to your EC2 instance

Connecting to an EC2 instance is basically a no-brainer. I am using an SSH client and starting a connection to the EC2 instance. In this Blog, I will show you four different ways of connecting. One of them is supposedly highly unknown to most people.

Replace Local Cronjobs with EventBridge/SSM

Every machine has recurring tasks. Backups, updates, runs of configuration management software like Chef, small scripts, … But one of the problems in a cloud environment is visibility. Instead of scheduling dozens of cron jobs or tasks per instance, would it not be nice to have a central service for this? You already have. And it’s called EventBridge…

Serverless Cross-Account Microservices

When setting up a microservice architecture, each individual service is often owned and managed by a different team. To achieve a higher level of resource isolation, and allow for more granular security and cost management, each service team usually deploys its resources into a dedicated AWS account. While this type of distributed approach offers many benefits in terms of productivity, scalability, and resiliency, it introduces another layer of complexity in regard to AWS cross-account communication and microservice consumption. In this blog post, I would like to show you how you can leverage AWS services like Amazon API Gateway, Lambda, DynamoDB, and VPC Endpoints in combination with Terraform to build a fully-managed and serverless cross-account microservice architecture.

The cuckoo egg testing lambda

Oh, there is an error in my Lambda function. But - what is the event JSON input which caused the error? Oh, I forgot to log the event in my Lambda code. Damned! It would be great to swap the code with a “just dump the event code” and slip it like a cuckoo egg. Afterwards, get the event and restore the old Lambda!