Articles tagged with "iac"

Serverless Swagger UI for AWS API Gateway

When implementing REST APIs in AWS there is one service that always comes to mind - Amazon API Gateway. Even though feature-rich, properly documenting your API may become a time-consuming task relatively quickly. In this post, I would like to show you how you can use Swagger UI in combination with a serverless deployment to automatically generate interactive and up-to-date documentation for your APIs.

VSCode Repository-Level Task Definitions

Do you run the same CLI commands again and again while using VSCode? Even if you already put them into code, you find yourself typing things like rake build all the time? I just learned of VSCode’s integrated Task management the other day, and this knowledge could help you work more productively. So let’s dive deep…

Testing Terraform with InSpec (Part 1)

While Infrastructure-as-Code slowly becomes omnipresent, many of the communicated advantages of the approach stay mostly unrealized. Sure, code style checks (linting) and even automated documentation get more common every month. But one of the cornerstones often gets ignore: testing. Let’s see which types of code testing are available and how to do it without writing too much code. The promise of the Infrastructure-as-Code (short: IaC) movement is to handle infrastructure just as if it was a program.

Consistent Style Across Editors

Consistent Style Across Editors Sometimes, common themes occur if working on a project with multiple people and different development environments. One of the unexpected, time-consuming problems is related to editor configurations. But it is pretty easy to unify things, if you know where to look…

The declarative vs imperative Infrastructure as Code discussion is flawed

“Infrastructure definition has to be declarative”. Let’s see where this presumption gets us. My guess why some ops guys prefer pure terraform or CloudFormation is that these languages seem to be easier to understand. There is precisely one way of creating a specific resource in the language. If you use a programming language, there are many ways to solve one specific problem. The problem which could occur later in the project is that both declarative languages have boundaries in what they can do, with a programming language you do not have these boundaries.

tRick: simple network 2 - Geschwindigkeit

Vergleich Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Frameworks - tRick Alle Posts Abstraktion und Lines of Code Geschwindigkeit Diversity (polyglott), Tooling, Fazit Benchmark Ausführungsgeschindigkeit Ausführungsgeschwindigkeit Direkt aus dem tRick Repository wird mehrfach (n=10) der Zyklus Build -> Check -> Deploy -> Remove ausgeführt. Damit sollen Cache Effekte statistisch gemittelt werden. Dazu nehme ich das Tool hyperfine zur Hilfe. Es führt Kommandos automatisch mehrfach aus und mittelt die Ergebnisse. Meine Annahme ist es, dass Terraform vorne liegt, da das Programm selber statisch kompiliert in go geschrieben ist. Außerdem geht die Ausführung direkt auf die API.