Articles tagged with "level-200"

Assessing compliance with AWS Audit Manager

Introduction As in traditional IT infrastructures, firms in regulated industries such as banks or energy providers have strict security requirements to comply with when using public cloud providers as well. However, cloud adoption is often driven by application development teams that are striving for increased speed and agility to launch new features in their application, but don’t care too much about those regulatory requirements. That makes it particularly important for IT governance functions to have effective tools to evaluate compliance with the aforementioned standards and gather evidence that can be provided to their internal or external auditors.

Analyzing CloudWatch Costs

Amazon CloudWatch is a managed service for storing, visualizing and analyzing logs and metrics data of applications and AWS infrastructure. The service is simple to configure and use and is priced based on usage. Thus, adoption is generally both easy and cheap compared to other tools such as Splunk, ElasticSearch, Datadog, and all the others out there. Upon heavy usage, it can become quite expensive though. This post summarizes some common cost drivers in CloudWatch and proposes strategies to identify these and reduce their costs.

Reliable Data Streaming on AWS

Reliable Data Streaming on AWS We should agree that in our digital world streaming and especially data streaming becomes more and more important if it isn’t already. Besides performance/throughput and security for a data streaming system reliability is a major point to be considered.

Jump to the Cloud - Migration Immersion Day

Der Sprung in die Cloud - unterstützt durch unsere Migrationserfahrung. In diesem Video beschreiben wir den Weg zu erfolgreichen Migrationen in Richtung AWS. Wir geben einen Überblick über die Phasen des Migrationsprozesses: Assess Mobilize Migration & Modernization Dabei konzentrieren wir uns auf die gemeinsamen Herausforderungen im Migrationsprozess und deren Bewältigung. Darüber hinaus zeigen wir Werkzeuge und Methoden, die Ihnen helfen können, schneller zu migrieren und Sie in jeder Phase dieses Prozesses zu unterstützen. Die Aufzeichnung ist in deutscher Sprache. Speaker: Andreas Tschauner und Gernot Glawe Das Lab wird in einem separatem Video gezeigt. Die Fragerunde ist nicht Bestandteil des Videos.

People perspective of cloud transformation

The underestimated factor The underestimated human factor in migrations to the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud. You want to migrate (your IT) to the Cloud! This is not only a complex technical task. Let’s call it “SoftSkills”, “peopleware”, “social systems” - it’s all about people. Their thoughts, feelings and the resulting behaviour make a migration a success. Or not.

How to deploy XWiki on AWS with One Click

Deploy your selfhosted serverless XWiki now! There are many ways to get your own, truly private and selfhosted, wiki in the exciting cloud computing times. SaaS solutions exists and many OpenSource Software can be hosted on virtual machines or even hardware. But what is the best way to deploy such Wiki on your AWS Account? This blog post shows you how to operate a deployment of XWiki without harming any servers.