Articles tagged with "level-200"

Simplifying SAP System Deployments with AWS Launch Wizard

Setting up enterprise applications can take a lot of work. Especially with software that has been on the market for a long time, a complete reinstallation and configuration can take quite a bit longer. Talking about complex installations, however, there is one final boss with three letters in its name: SAP.

Amazon Pinpoint - How it works

If you need omni-channel engagement with your customers to run marketing campaigns, send notifications, or tailored (transactional) messages in bulk, then Amazon Pinpoint is the right tool for you. It allows you to manage your audience and templates and reach customers through email, text, voice messages, custom channels and push or in-app notifications. The provided events and analytics make it easy to track and measure the results of your campaigns and gain valuable insights about customer interactions.

Docker Architecture - Intel? ARM? both?

Up to a few years back, writing Dockerfiles was easy. In many cases, it still is - unless you are working with a mixed fleet of Intel and ARM-based processors. Are you familiar with this situation and you do not want to maintain two almost identical Dockerfiles? There is a solution…

Serverless Swagger UI for AWS API Gateway

When implementing REST APIs in AWS there is one service that always comes to mind - Amazon API Gateway. Even though feature-rich, properly documenting your API may become a time-consuming task relatively quickly. In this post, I would like to show you how you can use Swagger UI in combination with a serverless deployment to automatically generate interactive and up-to-date documentation for your APIs.

What are the folders in the S3 console?

When you start out learning about S3, the experts and documentation will tell you that you should think of S3 as a flat key-value store that doesn’t have any hierarchical structure. Then you go ahead and create your first S3 bucket in the console, and what the interface shows you is a nice big “Create Folder” button. You may be justifiably confused - didn’t I just learn that there are no folders, directories, or hierarchy in S3?

Hostname Resolution and DNS with SAP on AWS

SAP systems running in a distributed environment have certain requirements regarding how to set the hostname and how those need to be resolved from other hosts. In our test landscape we use virtual hostnames to decouple the SAP instances from the underlying hardware which is running on a Red Hat Linux Server. This blog post will walk you through the components in AWS that fullfil those requirements and allow SAP instances to communicate while keeping administrative effort super low.