Articles tagged with "GO"

GO-ing to production with Bedrock RAG Part 1

The way from a cool POC (proof of concept), like a walk in monets garden, to a production-ready application for an RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) application with Amazon Bedrock and Amazon Kendra is paved with some work. Let`s get our hands dirty. With streamlit and langchain, you can quickly build a cool POC. This two-part blog is about what comes after that.

The CDK Book: The missing Go Code Examples

The CDK Book The CDK Book “A Comprehensive Guide to the AWS Cloud Development Kit” is a book by Sathyajith Bhat, Matthew Bonig, Matt Coulter, Thorsten Hoeger written end of 2021. Because the CDK itself is polyglott with jsii, the TypeScript examples are automatically translated in other languages. So the example CDK code used in the book is jsii generated, and there are samples for TypeScript, Python, Java and C#.

Views of the Pyramids: From a monolithic Test process to a Serverless Test Automation with CodeBuild

Comparing the development methodology of a monolithic program to a Serverless IAC application you will see that the power of DevOps lies in automating everything. I will show you a working example of a serverless CI pipeline with automated unit, integration and end2end test and test reports in CodeBuild. The full source is written GO, with references to Node.JS and python for the test parts.

Cloud Driven Development Workshop@devopenspace

This is a live Blog from the workshop “Cloud Driven Development” on Forget a lot of what you know about classic full-stack development. Together, we’ll dive into cloud-driven software development and build a sample serverless application in AWS. This blog was build live during the workshop on November 2021. So it`s not a complete reference, just a few hints to test and deploy the infrastructure and the applications.