Dissecting Serverless Stacks (IV)

Dissecting Serverless Stacks (IV) After we figured out how to implement a sls command line option to switch between the usual behaviour and a way to conditionally omit IAM in our deployments, we will get deeper into it and build a small hack on how we could hand over all artefacts of our project to somebody who does not even know SLS at all.

R can not be pushed in Production - deprecated!

Running Shiny on Fargate Some guys still thinking R cannot be used at scale or only in a limited way. I still do not understand the reason why people are like this. Since my last post about AWS Batch, which is a Docker-based service within AWS, which enables you to work with R, I spend a lot of time with Fargate, another Docker-based service on AWS. This time my boss wanted a BI app.

Dissecting Serverless Stacks (III)

Dissecting Serverless Stacks (III) The third post of this series showed how to make IAM statements an external file, so we can deploy that one but still work with the sls command. It still involved commenting out things in the configuration, so this post will show how to solve that issue.

AWS UserGroup Hannover AWS News September und Oktober

AWS News 25.9.19 - 21.11.19 Zu Anfang der Usergroup sprechen wir über die AWS News und ein paar Trainingsnews. Unser Service: Alle News, die von unserem Sponsor tecRacer bzw. den Consultants als wichtiger benannt wurden sind unter “Noteworthy” zu finden. Dann haben wir ein paar sehr interessante neue Trainings und ca 500 Zeilen geballte News! Noteworthy Wir stellen vor: AWS IQ Vorstellung von NoSQL Workbench für Amazon DynamoDB – jetzt als Vorversion

Dissecting Serverless Stacks (II)

Dissecting Serverless Stacks (II) With the output of the last post of this series, we established the base to be able to deliver a Serverless application independent of its needed IAM privileges. So let’s see how this will work out.

Installationen für Alexa live Coding - Durchblick bei der neuen Alexa Presentation Language

Alexa live coding Installations The AWS Usergroup Hannover meets on 21. of November at tecRacer. Details on the meetup website of the event Das Treffen wird in deutsch stattfinden! Um life mitzumachen, müssen ein paar Tools installiert werden. Ein twitch stream zur Installation und später das Treffen seht ihr in den twitch clips: hier Streaming starts twitch.tv/tecracerDas Streaming beginn 19:00 Zeitzone Europe/Berlin unter twitch.tv/tecracer Node, npm See Website Test node --version ASK Alexa Skills kit cli

Dissecting Serverless Stacks (I)

Dissecting Serverless Stacks (I) This post establishes the base for a small series on how to create Serverless based Lambdas which can be deployed in environments without IAM privileges or where the sls command cannot be used at all.

Instant Clones with kitchen-vcenter

Instant Clones with kitchen-vcenter Over the last few posts we optimized our kitchen-vcenter setups and are stuck with the usual, long boot times of Windows systems. Surprisingly, VMware introduced a feature which can help us get rid of those. For good.