Installationen für Alexa live Coding - Durchblick bei der neuen Alexa Presentation Language

This content is more than 4 years old and the cloud moves fast so some information may be slightly out of date.

Alexa live coding Installations

The AWS Usergroup Hannover meets on 21. of November at tecRacer.

Details on the meetup website of the event

Das Treffen wird in deutsch stattfinden!

Um life mitzumachen, müssen ein paar Tools installiert werden.

Ein twitch stream zur Installation und später das Treffen seht ihr in den twitch clips: hier

Streaming starts Streaming beginn 19:00 Zeitzone Europe/Berlin unter

Node, npm

See Website


node --version


Alexa Skills kit cli

npm install -g ask-cli

Test ask

ask --version


See Website

npm install -g cdk

Test cdk

cdk --version

AWS Account

We are AWS Usergroup Hannover, you should know how to do that.

Test AWS account/aws cli

aws sts get-caller-identity

AWS Developer Account


Open “Anmelden” and connect your amazon account with an amazon developer account

AWS tools - awsume (optional)


See Awsume

pip install awsume

Test awsume

awsume --version

Task (optional)

See Task

brew install go-task/tap/go-task

Test Task

task --version


Alexa live Coding - Durchblick bei der neuen “Alexa Presentation Language” APL

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