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From zero to net-zero

Energy transition acceleration towards climate neutrality powered by AWS

Enersis is a purpose-driven company that tackles one of the world’s greatest problems: climate change. Their software suite gaia provides tooling and insights to energy suppliers and grid operators, cities and entire regions as well as planning and consulting companies that are involved in energy transition.

gaia’s core is a digital twin of the real world, containing data and visualizations of the CO2 emissions of individual buildings, energy plants and other infrastructure. It allows for status quo analysis and reporting according to national standards in various countries, and has integrated project management capabilities to coordinate time, costs and stakeholders of the actions taken on the path to climate neutrality.

Read the entire Success Story

Enersis Suisse AG

Andreas Jaus, CIO, Bern

“Due to rapid growth in new customers and complex technical requirements for a digital twin, it was necessary to bring our gaia platform and the underlying cloud infrastructure to an automatable and scalable level. tecRacer supported us optimally in the project with know-how and understanding of our architecture requirements. The partnership with tecRacer was also an enrichment for our internal team, so that we can now also continue to work together in operations and benefit from their expertise.”

Enersis Suisse AG

Andreas Jaus, CIO, Bern

“Durch rasches Wachstum an Neukunden und komplexen technischen Anforderungen an einen digitalen Zwilling war es erforderlich, unsere gaia Plattform und die darunter liegende Cloud Infrastruktur auf ein automatisierbares und skalierbares Level zu bringen. tecRacer hat uns im Projekt mit Know-how und Verständnis für unsere Architektur-Anforderungen optimal unterstützt. Die partnerschaftliche Zusammenarbeit mit tecRacer war auch für unser internes Team eine Bereicherung, so dass wir nun auch im Betrieb weiter zusammenarbeiten und von der Expertise profitieren können.”

Enersis Suisse AG

Andreas Jaus, CIO, Bern

« Face à une croissance rapide de notre clientèle et à des exigences techniques pointues pour la mise en place d‘un jumeau numérique, il est devenu impératif d‘optimiser notre plateforme gaia et de la rendre, ainsi que l‘infrastructure cloud associée, totalement automatisable et évolutive. Dans ce contexte, tecRacer s‘est révélé être un partenaire inestimable, nous apportant son expertise et une parfaite compréhension de nos besoins en matière d‘architecture. Collaborer avec tecRacer a non seulement renforcé notre projet, mais a aussi enrichi nos compétences internes. Ainsi, nous sommes aujourd‘hui en mesure de poursuivre cette collaboration fructueuse et de profite continuellement de leur expertise. »

More Success Stories

  • MassUp GmbH – 2018

    Fabian Fischer, Managing Director, MassUp GmbH, Mainz
    “tecRacer proves to be technically competent and exceptionally flexible, responds quickly and offers very good support and service. And: The price-performance ratio is very good.”
  • Egoditor GmbH

    Bernd Zelba, Team Lead IT Development, Bielefeld
    “tecRacer has solved numerous issues and challenges for us since the beginning of the project. With the support of the MSP team, our system continues to evolve. The new automated deployment simplifies the whole thing for us immensely.”
  • JAF International Services GmbH – 2020

    Robert Klausner, Stockerau, Vienna
    “tecRacer has supported us in setting up and using the cloud possibilities of AWS in the best possible way. Now not only our data but also our employees are linked ideally via Amazon Chime.”
  • Oracom GmbH – 2020

    Andreas Tutsche, Managing Director Oracom GmbH, Berlin
    “Together with tecRacer, we have gained a real competitive advantage by using Amazon Connect and the power of the entire AWS ecosystem. Due to the strong increase in productivity, we hope to service ten times the number of contacts in five years – with the same number of employees.”
  • StudierendenGesellschaft Witten/Herdecke e.V.

    Florian Berth, IT Project Lead, Witten:
    “With tecRacer‘s expertise, we are now also freer in terms of IT, in line with our philosophy: we can make the best possible use of the possibilities of the AWS cloud. At the same time, the new infrastructure costs us less of the money entrusted to us by the students.”
  • Decadia GmbH

    Nurhan Ates, Team Leader Development & Support, Essen
    “We have been focusing on digital offerings for a long time, but tecRacer has now built an AWS-based infrastructure that allows us to be on the road with even higher quality digital.”
  • 1000PS Internet GmbH

    Nils Müller, Managing Director, Vienna
    “For our first cloud project, it was crucial that tecRacer has many years of experience in AWS projects. With this knowledge, tecRacer could build the architecture and design of the cloud in the best possible way. On this basis, our new smartphone app can optimally connect our users.”
  • TecAlliance GmbH

    Christian Drexler, Product Owner, Ismaning
    “tecRacer supports us with its extensive years and long-standing experience in moving various projects to the cloud – an essential part of our digitalisation strategy. Even after the migration, we benefit that our AWS accounts and the entire project are optimally supported by tecRacer.”
  • STR8 GmbH & Co. KG

    Stephanie Beckers, Managing Director, Hanover
    “The fact is: I made three crosses that we decided to move to the cloud at the end of 2019. With our old server structure, we would not have been able to transform our business so quickly. That‘s the only reason why we can now implement such fast virtual events. For this, we need scalability. Especially with virtual events with live streams, a lot of website visitors are recorded at the same time. We can do all that with the current solution.”
  • Freiraum GmbH

    Jan Schurkus, CEO at Freiraum GmbH:
    “During the Proof of Concept Project for the migration of Solr to Amazon OpenSearch Service, we were not only be able to assess the viability of this solution but also initiated the migration process itself. tecRacer helped us to untangle the knots in our minds and unleash the full potential of the service. The impulses they provided were crucial in developing a solution aligned with best practices. We work with a tecRacer on various cloud improvement projects simultaneously, which serves as building blocks for achieving greater success with our customers.”