Articles tagged with "machine-learning"

An unsung hero of Amazon SageMaker: Local Mode

Amazon SageMaker offers a highly customizable platform for machine learning at scale. Job execution within Amazon SageMaker can take some time to set up, which can be inconvenient or even time consuming during development and debugging phases. Running training and processing jobs locally can greatly increase the speed of development and debugging before running them at scale on AWS.

Understanding Iterations in Ray RLlib

Recently I’ve been engaged in my first reinforcement learning project using Ray’s RLlib and Sagemaker. I had dabbled in machine learning before, but one of the nice things about this project is that it allows me to dive deep into something unfamiliar. Naturally, that results in some mistakes being made. Today I want to share a bit about my experience in trying to improve the iteration time for the IMPALA algorithm in Ray’s RLlib.