Articles tagged with "Developing"

Harnessing the Power of Serverless PHP with Laravel Vapor

I need to start this blog post with a confession. But only if you promise to not tell anything to my tecRacer colleagues, deal? So, I built a monolith. And I loved it. And you will likely love it too if you decide to try out Laravel. Luckily, there is a service called Vapor that will let you deploy your Laravel project on serverless AWS infrastructure. That means I can continue to enjoy the top-notch developer experience of Laravel while also getting all the benefits of serverless technologies (plus, I can maintain a healthy relationship with my colleagues 🎉). But let’s start at the beginning.

DevContainers on Windows without Docker for Desktop

A while ago, Docker changed licensing terms for their Docker Desktop product. As a result, many companies cannot use Docker for free anymore, which impacts using VSCode DevContainers. In this blog, I will show you how to solve these licensing issues by using VSCode with WSL and podman instead.

VSCode Repository-Level Task Definitions

Do you run the same CLI commands again and again while using VSCode? Even if you already put them into code, you find yourself typing things like rake build all the time? I just learned of VSCode’s integrated Task management the other day, and this knowledge could help you work more productively. So let’s dive deep…

Consistent Style Across Editors

Consistent Style Across Editors Sometimes, common themes occur if working on a project with multiple people and different development environments. One of the unexpected, time-consuming problems is related to editor configurations. But it is pretty easy to unify things, if you know where to look…

Wer ist der Schnellste? Überblick über AWS Ressourcen mit Polyglot Programming.

tl;dr - asynchrone Programmierung ist sehr viel schneller als sequentielle Aufrufe. Insofern stimmt das Pferdebild gar nicht, aber ein einzelnes Pferd sieht halt nicht so spannend aus… Außerdem bin ich selber über die Unterschiede in der Ausführungszeit überrascht… Eine Analyse am Anwendungsfall “wie bekomme ich den Überblick über AWS Resourcen über alle Regionen mit minimaler Ausführungszeit. Am Rennen nehmen teil: node, python und go. Und - um die Aufschreie der jeweiligen Fans vorwegzunehmen - es geht mehr um das Paradigma asynchron als um die Sprache. Ganz nebenbei seht ihr die AWS SDKs im Vergleich! Aber lest selbst