Hybrid DNS resolution using Route 53 Endpoints

When implementing a hybrid cloud solution and connecting your AWS VPCs with corporate data centers, setting up proper DNS resolution across the whole network is an important step to ensure full integration and functionality. In order to accomplish this task, Route53 Inbound and Outbound endpoints can be used. In combination with forwarding rules, they allow you to forward DNS traffic between your AWS VPC and on-premises data centers. In this blog post, I would like to show you how you can leverage Route53 endpoints in combination with Terraform to establish seamless DNS query resolution across your entire hybrid network.

SBOMs on AWS - what?

Like most IT professionals, you might have read the title and googled “SBOM”. Now that you know it stands for “Software Bill of Materials”, read on to see why this will be very important in the next years. And what AWS can do to help you with this concept.

Calculating AWS DocumentDB Storage I/Os

Amazon DocumentDB is a fully managed native JSON document database that is mostly compatible with MongoDB. Why mostly? Because it it has a few functional differences from MongoDB and some MongoDB features are not supported. Despite from these limitation, customers benefit from a managed database service that has built-in security, backup integration, scalability and fault-tolerance. This rids customers from many operational burdens. AWS DMS (Database Migration Service) supports the migration from MongoDB to DocumentDB. Apart from the functional evaluation, pricing should of course be taken into consideration before migrating to DocumentDB as well.

EKS Backup with Velero

Velero is a tool to backup the kubernetes cluster state and its persistent volumes. It can be used for disaster recovery or cluster migration. Please refer to the official documentation for a more comprehensive description of use cases. This article describes the baseline setup for the backup to ease the start of backing up your EKS clusters.

Scaling Down EKS Clusters at night

Scaling down workloads at night or at the weekends is a common implementation task for companies building on AWS. By running only the applications that need to be available at any point in time, the total consumption of infrastructure resources can be reduced, and thus customers can benefit from the pay-by-use pricing models of cloud providers.

Using AWS Security Hub for EKS Security

kube-bench is a tool for checking kubernetes clusters against requirements defined in the CIS Benchmark. The tool runs locally on a kubernetes node, performs its checks and prompts the outputs to the shell or to files. This is quite unhandy, because it means that a user needs to pick up the logs, store them somewhere and analyze them. A deployment of the tool via kubernetes can ease the process for example with the kubectl logs command, but it is still far from perfect. Luckily, there is an integration in AWS Security Hub.

Multiple Site-to-Site VPN Connections in AWS Hub and Spoke Topology

When setting up an IPSec VPN connection between your AWS network and your corporate data center, the fully-managed AWS Site-to-Site VPN service is a popular choice that often comes to mind. AWS Site-to-Site VPN offers a highly-available, scalable, and secure way to connect your on-premises users and workloads to AWS. In this blog post, I would like to show you how you can go beyond a simple, static AWS Site-to-Site VPN connection by leveraging dynamically routed Site-to-Site VPNs in combination with a Transit Gateway. This hub and spoke network setup will allow us to employ the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) as well as equal-cost multi-path routing (ECMP) and AWS Global Accelerator to not only exchange routing information between AWS and the corporate data center automatically but also increases the overall VPN throughput and reliability.