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Managed Public Cloud Provider Study – tecRacer once again rated as “Accelerator” by Crisp Research AG

tecRacer was once again rated as an “Accelerator” and thus as a leading service provider in the Digital/Webworkloads area in the Managed Public Cloud Provider Study by Crisp Research (excerpt from the study).

The term “Accelerator” emphasizes that those service providers make a significant contribution to accelerating the transformation and innovation processes on the customer side and are to be understood more as partners than as pure service providers.


Quote from the CRISP Research Universe 2018 Cloud Computing Study:

“tecRacer from Hanover is also taking an individual approach. The strategy remains the clear focus on Amazon Web Services. Here, tecRacer is probably the most competent and important partner in Germany. The training programs and community involvement in the AWS environment have put the service provider in the spotlight. As before, tecRacer continues to do absolute justice to this role, so that a place among the accelerators is assured.”

If you are interested in our services, we will be happy to send you the study upon request.