Inspire-se, aprenda e diverta-se no AWS Cloud Experience Portugal!
We are very happy to support this year’s AWS Cloud Experience Portugal as a gold sponsor.
Join us to learn how local organizations are turning to AWS to accelerate innovation and advance their cloud journey. ☁️
At our booth, you can go over your questions with our cloud migration, data analytics/MLOPs, and Amazon Connect experts and learn more about what the AWS Cloud has to offer. 💪
Don’t miss our sponsor session:
“How AWS Cloud impacted my career and benefited my clients?
Cloud transforms industries. Learn how Cloud changed our daily work and how it is impacting our customers. Join Tiago Rodrigues (tecRacer Cloud Consultant) as he highlights the impact of Cloud on his career and his productivity. To quote AWS CTO Werner Vogels: “Everything fails all the time” – learn how a high-revenue retail app failed and how AWS Technology maintained business continuity.”
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