Articles tagged with "SAML"

Implementing SAML federation for Amazon OpenSearch Service with KeyCloak

Welcome back to our series on implementing SAML Federation for Amazon OpenSearch Service. In our previous post, we explored setting up SAML Federation using OneLogin. Today, we’ll focus on another popular identity provider - Keycloak. Keycloak is an open-source Identity and Access Management solution, ideal for modern applications and services. We’ll guide you through integrating Keycloak with Amazon OpenSearch Service to implement SAML Federation.

Implementing SAML federation for Amazon OpenSearch Service with OneLogin.

Amazon OpenSearch Service is a fully-managed solution for interactive log analytics, real-time application monitoring, website search, observability, and more. With a vast customer base, Amazon OpenSearch Service manages hundreds of thousands of clusters and processes trillions of requests monthly. The service provides seamless access for users through SAML-based federation for OpenSearch Dashboards, enabling single sign-on (SSO) on Amazon OpenSearch Service domains using existing identity providers (IdPs) like OneLogin. SAML simplifies the login process by allowing users to access multiple platforms with a single username and password, providing a safer and more convenient online experience. This guide will walk you through integrating OneLogin with OpenSearch Dashboards for a seamless SSO experience, leveraging Amazon OpenSearch Service’s capabilities.