Articles tagged with "netapp"

Demystifying FinOps in Cloud Computing: A Paradigm Shift Towards Effective Financial Management

In an era where cloud computing is revolutionizing businesses, the rise of a new discipline called FinOps is commanding attention. Financial Operations, or FinOps, brings a financial lens to the operational aspects of cloud computing, enabling organizations to drive cost efficiency, business value, and growth. But what exactly is FinOps and how can businesses leverage it in the realm of cloud computing? Understanding FinOps FinOps is a cultural shift, a practice that combines systems, best practices, and organizational culture to bring financial accountability to the variable spend model of cloud computing.

FSx for NetApp ONTAP Manageability Options

While Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP (FSxN) seems relatively easy on the AWS level, it is vastly more powerful if you pick another way to manage it. This post will look at a quick run-down across the AWS Web Console, NetApp’s BlueXP, various APIs, and the CLI.

FSx for ONTAP Backups

In our FSx for NetApp ONTAP series, we continue to one of the most vital topics: Backups. But did you know there are two types of backup with this service? Let’s compare the native backup and AWS Backup in this post.

Multi-AZ Block Storage for EKS - Solution Overview

Did you already encounter an application on EKS which does not perform well with EFS storage or which even needs dedicated block storage with multi-AZ capabilities? In this case, we have prepared something for you: We now support you with creating multi-AZ block storage for your EKS clusters and add facilities to monitor, manage and troubleshoot them with easy building blocks.

Logging Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP

Recently, I spent a lot of time using the exciting new member of the FSx family. One detail made working with it a bit unpleasant, though - the lack of log files. This post details how to create a custom integration into CloudWatch Logs and make ONTAP audit logs visible.

NetApp DataSense on AWS

Over the last years, demands and expectations on data security have increased dramatically. The main drivers are local data privacy regulations like the EU-GDPR, which imply awareness of sensitive data and an overview of potential risks. Amazon has offered its service Macie in 2017, added new capabilities lately, and is doing a great job with data on S3. But how do you include your EFS/FSx file shares and RDS databases to eliminate blind spots? Meet NetApp Cloud DataSense.