Start Guessing Capacity - Benchmark EC2 Instances

Stop guessing capacity! - Start calculating.

If you migrate an older server to the AWS Cloud using EC2 instances, the prefered way is to start with a good guess and then rightsize with CloudWatch metric data.

But sometimes you’ve got no clue, where to start. And: Did you think all AWS vCPUs are created equal?
No, not at all. The compute power of different instance types is - yes - different.

Benchmark Instances with 7zip

I’ve got no clue - what to do?

To start with an educated guess, you need a simple benchmark which runs in the cloud and on old Windows and Linux machines. Introducing my old friend: the 7zip. This is an efficient compression program, see 7Zip. It started 1999, so it is available for older servers as well.

This program comes with an embedded CPU benchmark. I will use this benchmark to compare the EC2 vCPU of different .large instance types. To get an exact benchmark, you would have to run it many times to get statistically significant value. Because nowadays in post DOS-single tasking environments, many apps on a instance compete for compute resources. But for an educated starting guess, it fits the purpose.

And speaking of older instances - there are already many existing results at

Calculating the Instance Type

The calculation on linux instances is automated, with windows you currently have to start it manually.

Getting Benchmark Results on Windows

After downloading 7zip here, you start it with the b parameter and get the results:

./7z.exe b

7-Zip 19.00 (x64) : Copyright (c) 1999-2018 Igor Pavlov : 2019-02-21

Windows 10.0 17763
x64 6.3F02 cpus:2 128T
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2676 v3 @ 2.40GHz (306F2)
CPU Freq:  2064  4000  2064  4266  2031  2723  2737  2618  2677

RAM size:    8191 MB,  # CPU hardware threads:   2
RAM usage:    441 MB,  # Benchmark threads:      2

                       Compressing  |                  Decompressing
Dict     Speed Usage    R/U Rating  |      Speed Usage    R/U Rating
         KiB/s     %   MIPS   MIPS  |      KiB/s     %   MIPS   MIPS

22:       7098   155   4465   6906  |     103740   200   4428   8857
23:       7135   157   4641   7270  |     102741   200   4447   8893
24:       6879   171   4320   7396  |      98914   199   4356   8684
25:       6464   161   4587   7381  |      97762   200   4349   8702
----------------------------------  | ------------------------------
Avr:             161   4503   7238  |              200   4395   8784
Tot:             180   4449   8011

I am using the compression and decompression rating average MIPS to compare the type.

So the 7zip bench here would be 7238+8784=16022

If this is our data from the to-be-migrated server, what instance type to choose?

Comparing large EC2 Instance Types

I want to have a fast result. Also, I want it to be automated, so I can easily add new types. Additionally, I want security from the beginning. Last, because I am also testing pricier instances, I want these instances to self destruct.

So my approach is to start n instances at the same time and let them self destruct after the work is done.


Instance identification preparation

Because I want to know the instance type afterwards, the script has to access the instance metadata.

  • Get imdsv2 compatible metatdata to determine instance type, id and size
  • For linux, windows and different processor types

Instance creation and Benchmark calculation


  • create instances in parallel with CDK
  • calculate benchmark
  • store data
  • instances stop themselves
  • stacks destroy themselves
  • get data from data bucket

Analyzing the data

For now I did not automate the data capture. That would be a good next step.

Displaying the Data

To compare data, a R programm is used.

Code in Detail

Creating Instances with the CDK

We distinguish between “normal” x86 and ARM cpus. All instances are collected in an array Instances.


    var amiLinuxX86_64 = new AmazonLinuxImage({
      cpuType: AmazonLinuxCpuType.X86_64,
      edition: AmazonLinuxEdition.STANDARD,
      generation: AmazonLinuxGeneration.AMAZON_LINUX_2
    // *
    var instances: Instance[] = new Array<Instance>();
    const testedInstanceC4 = new Instance(this, 'testedInstanceC4', {
      instanceType: InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.COMPUTE4, InstanceSize.LARGE),
      machineImage: amiLinuxX86_64,
      userData: UserData.custom(userdata),
      vpc: testVpc,
      vpcSubnets:  {subnetType: SubnetType.PUBLIC},
      securityGroup: sg


    var amiLinuxG = new AmazonLinuxImage({
      cpuType: AmazonLinuxCpuType.ARM_64,
      edition: AmazonLinuxEdition.STANDARD,
      generation: AmazonLinuxGeneration.AMAZON_LINUX_2

    const testedInstanceM6G = new Instance(this, 'testedInstanceM6G', {
      instanceType: InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.M6G, InstanceSize.LARGE),
      machineImage: amiLinuxG,
      userData: UserData.custom(userdataArm),
      vpc: testVpc,
      vpcSubnets:  {subnetType: SubnetType.PUBLIC},
      securityGroup: sg

To get the instance metadata, we need the program ec2-imds compiled for Linux, Linux-arm and windows. So i took ec2-imds and added a Taskfile to cross-compile. See Taskfile in ec2-imds:

- GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build  -o dist/ec2-imds-linux  {{.FILE}}
- GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build -o dist/ec2-imds-windows  {{.FILE}} 
- GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm64 go build -o dist/ec2-imds-linux-arm {{.FILE}} 


The instances have a boot-script (see bootstrap/, which instruments the benchmark.

  1. Install 7zip
sudo amazon-linux-extras install epel -y
sudo yum install p7zip -y
  1. get binaries from bucket (uploaded with cdk)
export deploy="DEPLOYMENT"
aws s3 cp s3://${deploy}/IMDS .
chmod u+x IMDS
  1. create benchmark data
7za b >${benchfile}
  1. Copy to data bucket
aws s3 cp ${benchfile} s3://${outout}/${instanceid}.txt
  1. Stop instance
aws ec2 stop-instances --instance-ids "${instanceid}" --region REGION

The dynamic data like bucket name is injected with the cdk:

var userdata = readFileSync(userDataFile, 'utf8').toString();
userdata = userdata.replace(/BUCKET/g, benchData.bucketName);
userdata = userdata.replace(/DEPLOYMENT/g, benchDeployment.bucketName);
userdata = userdata.replace(/REGION/g, this.region);

The name of the data bucket is stored in an CloudFormation export:

const benchData = new Bucket(this, "BenchData",{
  removalPolicy: RemovalPolicy.RETAIN
new CfnOutput(this, "dataBucket", 
  value: benchData.bucketName,
  exportName: "benchdata"

The get-data task uses this export to sync the data:

    desc: Load data from bucket
    dir: data
        sh: aws cloudformation list-exports --query 'Exports[?Name==`benchdata`].Value' --output text
      - aws s3 sync s3://{{.bucket}} .


While you run with ./scripts/, you see that the faster instances are finished, while the slower ones still are in state “running”.



The results from the scripts for Linux instances look like this:

7-Zip (a) [64] 16.02 : Copyright (c) 1999-2016 Igor Pavlov : 2016-05-21
p7zip Version 16.02 (locale=C,Utf16=off,HugeFiles=on,64 bits,2 CPUs Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2676 v3 @ 2.40GHz (306F2),ASM,AES-NI)

Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2676 v3 @ 2.40GHz (306F2)
CPU Freq:  2685  2686  2685  2683  2683  2688  2684  2687  2688

RAM size:    7974 MB,  # CPU hardware threads:   2
RAM usage:    441 MB,  # Benchmark threads:      2

                       Compressing  |                  Decompressing
Dict     Speed Usage    R/U Rating  |      Speed Usage    R/U Rating
         KiB/s     %   MIPS   MIPS  |      KiB/s     %   MIPS   MIPS

22:       6171   161   3735   6003  |      65320   200   2789   5577
23:       6080   166   3736   6195  |      64362   200   2786   5571
24:       5775   166   3735   6210  |      63657   200   2795   5588
25:       5984   176   3878   6832  |      62638   200   2789   5575
----------------------------------  | ------------------------------
Avr:             167   3771   6310  |              200   2790   5578
Tot:             184   3280   5944
instance-type: t2.large
instance-id: i-0a04a2211c6345211

With that, we create a csv file:


Diagram Creation with R

And feed it into a small R script


df <- read.csv2("benchmarks.csv")
bp <- barplot(t(df[ , -1]), col = c("blue", "red", "green", "orange", "gold"))
axis(side = 1, at = bp, labels = df$type)

ggplot(data=df, aes(x=type, y=compressing+decompressing, fill=type)) +
  geom_bar(stat="identity", position=position_dodge())+
  geom_text(aes(label=type), vjust=1.6, color="white",
            position = position_dodge(0.9), size=3.5)+

to create a nice barplot.


And we see, that the m6g performance really rocks! And with instance types with more vCPUs you just multiply the base value.

Verify this assumption with a calculation:

instanceType: InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.COMPUTE4, InstanceSize.LARGE),
instanceType: InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.COMPUTE4, InstanceSize.XLARGE),
instanceType: InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.COMPUTE4, InstanceSize.XLARGE2),



With this approach, you have a framework to benchmark instance-based settings. Additional programs to support your use case should be written in go, which is the most portable and fast solution if you compare the current scripting solutions like node, python, ruby. (Ok, rust is on the way…)

So choosing the first instance type for migration could be a few simple steps:

  1. Running 7zip on an old instance, getting oldbench
  2. Determine whether the software may run on arm-based processors
  3. Comparing oldbench to ec2 benchmarks
  4. Double vCPUs (large=>xlarge=>…) if needed

It is still to be analyzed, whether Linux bases 7zip and Windows based 7zip have equal MIPS.


Sources on github

Did you find this approach useful? If you have additional Ideas, Questions, Additions, Feedback - just contact me on twitter (@megaproaktiv).

Title image C6 icon is taken from the awesome AWS simple icons.

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